Thursday, November 3, 2011

34 weeks and all is well!

Quick update:

Dr. visit was uneventful – the best kind!

Non-stress Test looked good.  Rowan’s heart rate is doing wonderful and no sign of contractions yet either.

He’s head down, moves a ton, practices breathing movements, has a good level of fluid, and placenta still looks okay.

Next week they will take precise measurements of him to assess his size and compare his growth to our last growth scan from a few weeks back. 

I am finding that I do get tired much faster these days and “comfortable” is rapidly becoming a delicious memory – but the reassurance that he is doing well and the increasing likelihood that he will be developed enough to be stable when he is born do wonders to keep me moving. 

Plus, the tree in our living room and stockings over the fireplace mixed with the cool weather change are helping me remember that my discomfort is temporary and that he will be here in no time at all.

1 comment:

  1. You want to know what's really great about that? You aren't having any less normal of a second pregnancy, comfort-wise. Jude made me uncomfortable and tired more so than Bella ever did. You've got more going on so you should be more tired. Steal any naps you can, right :)?
