Thursday, March 8, 2012

Nissen G-Tube

Doc guest post:

So today Rowan had a Nissen fundoplication. No, that is not a made up word. It is actually a surgery where a portion of the stomach is wrapped around the opening from the esophagus into the stomach, tightening the opening and preventing stomach contents from refluxing, traveling back up the esophagus and causing all manner of mayhem. So our little man has 5 new holes from that (one at the belly button and four smaller ones along the bottom of his rib cage) and has one other new hole. He had a G-button placed, which is a tube that goes directly into his stomach through the skin. This is how he will be getting his nutrition for a while as he learns to eat like the rest of us. He will no longer need the tubes he had in his nose, as one of them was sucking stuff out of his stomach (which won't have the opportunity to reflux now and will pass into his intestines like it should) and the other was going past the stomach and was how we was getting food before the surgery.

He is pretty uncomfortable for now, but should not be for very long. They did the surgery laparascopically (with smaller incisions and instruments that fit through the smaller incisions, as well as a camera to see what in the heck you're doing), which means shorter recovery, less pain, and less inflammation. All good things.

He is intubated again(he has the breathing tube and is hooked up to the ventilator). The plan for extubation (removing the breathing tube and him breathing for himself) is tomorrow morning. So by the time I get there tomorrow, he will likely just have some oxygen by nasal cannula and by Sunday before I come back he could have nothing in his nose or mouth for the first time in...well, there was a 30-second period between NG tubes about two weeks ago, but really since the first day of his life. Saturday he will be three months old. In that time, he has:

Been intubated
Had a cardiac catheterization
Had his first surgery scheduled, then cancelled
Diagnosed with cystic fibrosis
Flown in an airplane for the first time
Had a Norwood procedure with repair of interrupted aortic arch
Spent Christmas in St. Louis
Been weaned off multiple cardiac meds
Spent New Year's in St. Louis
Been weaned off sedation meds (this process is still ongoing, just much further along)
Had a pleural effusion that kept coming back
Met his sister
Had chest tubes placed, taken out, and new ones placed, then taken out
Been held by mom and dad for the first time since immediately after being born
Had an EEG
Had a mysterious rash
Missed two extubation dates
Been extubated
Had two missed discharge dates
Been intubated for cardiac catheterization
Been extubated
Been intubated for his Nissen G-tube
Been extubated (pending for AM)

And along the way:

Had multiple NG tubes placed
Had multiple NJ tubes placed
Had more than half a dozen echocardiograms (ultrasound of his heart)
Had a hearing test
Had a Foley catheter (goes into the bladder) in for a while and removed
People he hasn't even met ran a 5k for him
Had dye put in one end (mouth), in the other end (bottom), and injected into his heart at various times to take pictures of his anatomy
Had who knows how many IV's, 8 or 9 arterial lines, a PICC line, a Broviac, and a central line

All of that and I am still leaving out a ton of things that have happened in our little guy's life. Third time was the charm for extubation, here's to hoping that his third discharge date will stick as well.

Whenever we get there again, that is.

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