Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mended Little Hearts

Mended Little Hearts is an organization that focuses on providing information and support to families who have been touched by congenital heart defects.  A co-worker mentioned this organization to me and it turned out to be the one advertised in the Pediatric Cardiologists’ office as well.  So I looked into it.  Their website is now added to the resource links on the blog main page as well.

I was actually amazed at this organization.  They match families whose children have similar defects or will need certain surgeries so those of us who are trying to figure out what is going to happen to our child can talk to someone whose child has already gone through it.

So, I filled out a membership request form and a matching families form.  In a few short weeks we will receive information about group meetings, services such as phone calls and hospital visits by trained volunteers, and if we’re lucky, we may even hear from a family nearby who has a child who survived similar heart defects to Rowan’s.  Congenital heart defects vary so much that it would be incredible to find someone similar and hear their story!

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful! I hope they are able to pair you with a family. It's always great to hear another person's story who has experienced what you are going through/about to go through.
