Friday, August 26, 2011

Officially in Tulsa for at least the next 5 months

Well, we reached viability.  This means that it is now possible for Rowan to survive if he is born.  This also means that I am not leaving Tulsa again for quite sometime.

If anything even minor happens (fender bender, for example) I am to go to St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa to get checked out – so I have to stay close to it.  Before it was just ill-advised to be far away, now it’s against the rules.

So no more trips to visit family.  Which sucks since I would love nothing more than to go meet my new niece or visit my brothers in Texas.  It was comforting to take those weekend trips when my husband worked all weekend.

I also have to carry around that lovely photo of Rowan’s hypothetical heart so that I can show any EMSA personnel that image and tell them that they HAVE to take me to St. Francis.

There are laws that require you to be taken to the nearest hospital.  My pediatric cardiologist said that I needed to carry that image to show them so they’d listen to me when I told them that that particular law does not apply to me because I need the level 3 NICU.

Kind of a hard for one who likes to travel around – hard to be restricted BUT

This means that we are only 16 weeks AT MOST from meeting our son.  And I know those weeks are going to fly.


  1. Yayyy what a great milestone!!! Keep growing little Rowan!!

    On another note, those precautions are definitely necessary but jeesh, let's hope you are never put in a situation where you need to be rushed to the hospital by EMSA - unless it's labor!!

  2. I think of you all the time, love, and these are many of the reasons. Call me a worry wort, but I guess it's better that I worry than you. You have enough on your shoulders to focus on instead of focusing on the what ifs. I can't imagine that time won't fly now that school has started.
