Sunday, January 8, 2012

Meet Little Brother

Medically, no real changes. Rowan is keeping along on his slow track to recovery. No new steps planned, just giving him time to adjust.

However, we had a wonderful event today. Evelyn, our 2 year old daughter, finally got to meet her little brother.

We prepared her over the last few weeks by talking about Baby Rowan and showing her pictures of him with the tubes in. We talked about how Rowan was okay, he just needed help at the hospital.

We took her up and told her that this hospital was were Baby Rowan was being taken care of and where we go when we go see him to take care of him. When we went in, she seemed a little afraid of all of the strangers, but when we showed her Rowan and introduced her, the first thing she did was say "Hi Baby Rowan" "He's cute" and "awe" and "look at baby Rowan". She didn't even seem a little afraid. She wanted to touch him so we let her rub his tummy over his blankets and she was beautifully gentle with him. He was awake and seemed extremely interested in her. He kept watching her while she talked to him. She even showed him his stuffed animal mobil and talked about the different animals, asking "see it Rowan?"

I was so proud of her and so happy that we waited until we'd prepared her and she was ready. We only let her visit for about 5 minutes, then we had her say "bye" and "I love you" to Rowan before she left. We spent some time exploring the hospital too.

Now she and my husband are on the road back to Tulsa. Matt has to work for a few days to make sure he sees enough patients in clinic for his intern year and then he'll come back up to St. Louis on Wednesday or Thursday. My dad is staying here in St. Louis with me, so don't worry. I'm not alone.

All in all, an incredible day. Our first time together as a family. I'm excited for a few weeks from now when that is a normal occurance.


  1. Elle (and hubs of course)
    Hang in there! Know you are loved and thought of often. Prayers are even offered in all of our own faiths, because we love and support you. You are wonderful parents and doing what you know to do. Hang on a little longer...Elle we all know you are superwoman, but even she gets tired. You are amazing and I thank you for keeping this blog. I know it can not be easy to talk about this day after day, but for our own selfish reasons we appreciate the time and strength you have to keep us updated as you can. I say that if you dont feel like writing or talking about it then dont!!! We will still be here supporting and loving all of you!!! SO happy for your family time and I could only image what a proud momma you were!!!
    Miss you tons!!!
    Mollie Mills
