Friday, January 27, 2012

Really!?! with Elle

Doctors yesterday noted that Rowan's x-ray showed that the fluid in his chest was worsening and determined that another pigtail chest tube would need to be inserted into Rowan's side to actively drain the fluid leading to a section I like to call:

REALLY!?! with Elle

REALLY chest fluid? You HAD to come back? It's not enough that you've reared your ugly head for the last month draining as much as half a liter of fluid a day. I mean REALLY!??!

Rowan needs another tube like Mitt Romney needs a tax break, I mean REALLY!

What's the deal fluid? Do you need a friend? Are you feeling all lonely staying in the cavities you belong in and feel the need to cuddle up to an innocent 7 week old's lungs? I mean REALLY!

Rowan's lungs need another tube to cuddle up to him like Newt needs a 4th wife, I mean REALLY!?

AND what is up with this stuff always showing up when we think we're in the clear, on the fast track to coming home, and Rowan is about to get the breathing tube out, I MEAN REALLY!! Sure, our house is a cute little cookie-cutter and it ocassionally smells like refinery when the wind blows towards the East but it still beat getting sponge baths from murses I mean REALLY!?

So let's cut to the chase - this isn't lymphatic fluid (chylous fluid for fancy pants doctors) and might go away with drug treatment, but it would have been a heck of a lot nicer if this had just stayed away so my son could come home, I mean REALLY!!!!!

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