Sunday, February 12, 2012

Rowan’s Room–a Tour

We are in the CICU annex now, which means that Rowan is the least sick of the kiddos and on his way to transitioning to the regular hospital instead of intensive care.

His new room is very different.  We are thrilled to be on our way to getting out, but also trying to cope with the fact that Rowan now has roommates (we’ve had two already) and that our personal space in the room has been greatly reduced.

BUT – here is what his area looks like!



The curtain is the boundary for his half of the room.  I would like to say that while for normal children, the bed is for sleeping and toys should never be left there…Rowan lives in his bed and is constantly monitored, so that’s why it’s okay for him.

Rowan is supervised when we are away by his friend, Ezio – who is always keeping him in line.


He also has a few balloons.  A “Congrats” from the CF nurse for being extubated is his newest addition.


He also has a Noah’s Ark Mobil that was donated by one of the families who had a child in the CICU a while ago.


He has a banner with his name from his Grandma and Grandpa and a heart valentine that Evelyn made in the playroom here.


So we try to make Rowan’s little space his own.  He gets to play with rattles and a crib mirror from time to time now.  We can hold him whenever we want to.  It may be a tiny little space, but we make it work. 

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