Friday, May 4, 2012

Back in the hospital

But no gigantic trying to die episode this time.

Rowan went to the Cardiologist Wednesday and was SATing in the 60s, which was weird because he had been in the 80s the day before.  I thought he was probably just stressed out being at the doctor’s office and he looked good otherwise, so no major concerns.

Then we went home and he went to sleep.  I hooked up our monitor to check on him…still 60s.  I called the cardiologist and they said to put him back on oxygen and bring him in for a chest x-ray.

After cranking up his oxygen, he still wasn’t holding SATs where he normally had been and I noticed he was working harder to breath.  His nostrils were flaring and he was retracting with breaths.  Not good.  Instead of taking him for a chest x-ray, we went to the ER.

No fever. No other symptoms.  Infact, Rowan was all smiles in the ER and acting like he felt fine.

We think he probably has some sort of upper airway infection/virus.  He has been coughing some and the cough is worse than his normal cough now.

So Rowan is hanging out at the hospital for a few days until he gets over it.  He collapses quickly when this stuff happens so he is where he can be watched until he is off oxygen and breathing easy again.  We don’t’ know what that means for his cath date next week, but are hoping to find out soon.

For now, I am spending time with Evelyn, who has been really struggling lately with the fact that I am constantly taking care of Rowan and have almost no time for her.  We went to the zoo and the park and we’ve been spending some time together.  I am also trying to catch up on food and sleep.  Rowan’s care had left me sleeping 2 hours a night and eating 1 meal a day.  I’m taking advantage of our excellent care at St. Francis and I am trying to restore my disarrayed home, take care of myself a little bit, and get all of our things ready for when Rowan comes home so we can go back to crazy.

We will keep everyone posted as to when we think that will be.

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