Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Raising Money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation


SO many of you have asked to know if there is anything you can do for us.  Whether you live here or there – whether you know us well or not – here is something you can do.  I know people are signing up for 8 million different 5ks to raise money for good causes, but this is one that I am asking all of you who have been moved by our story to take up as a personal one. 

Cystic Fibrosis is Rowan’s archenemy.  Think of his heart defects as the bad guy in the first movie and once he beats it, you find out about the evil emperor.  CF is that evil emperor.  Like Palpatine.

The good news is that the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has been funding revolutionary research.  Gene therapies, drugs, treatments that prolong the life expectancy of children with CF and may eventually erase CF as a threat.  They are the rebel forces, and they need your help to get enough resources and ships to take out the Death Star.

Star Wars references aside, CF research is something we are very passionate about aiding.  The Pubcrawl in August is our first event with the CFF and we want to make a bang.  You can help.  Please read the letter below, and if you can, add something to our cause.  I don’t care if it’s $5.  I don’t care if it’s $1.  It all truly helps.

Thank you.


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